Who are we?
In 2013, four marine biologists from Luxembourg founded the country’s first association dedicated to marine biology and conservation. Our mission is to increase ocean literacy in Luxembourg, build a community of marine scientists and enthusiasts, and deepen our understanding of the ocean through targeted research initiatives that support conservation efforts.
Our Sponsors
Our Mission
In order to understand how species interact with each other and their environment, Odyssea actively conducts research projects around the globe.
Odyssea involves both the local communities and policy-makers to protect the ocean and its inhabitants.
Bridging the gap between scientists and the public is extremely important to share our passions and concerns about the oceans with everyone.
Odyssea collaborates with a growing number of international organisations, research teams and universities from around the globe.
Killer whale in Tarifa
SpainWhale shark in Visayas
PhilippinesTurtles on coral reef
BorneoBlue spotted ray in Borneo
BorneoKing Penguin in South Georgia
South GeorgiaColourful nudibranch
BorneoKing penguin with chick
South GeorgiaKing penguin colony in South Georgia
South GeorgiaGentoo penguins in Antarctica
South GeorgiaAnemonefish in Borneo
BorneoNudibranch in Borneo
BorneoClownfish in Borneo
BorneoElephant seal in South Georgia
South GeorgiaMale elephant seal in South Georgia
South GeorgiaMale with female elephant seals
South GeorgiaAlbatross on South Georgia
South GeorgiaGreen turtle feeding on sea grass
PhilippinesFeeding whale shark
PhilippinesKing penguin
South GeorgiaKing penguin chick among adults
South GeorgiaCommon dolphin in Tarifa
SpainGentoo penguin
South GeorgiaHarbour porpoises
CanadaNorth Atlantic right whale
CanadaHumpback whale fluke
CanadaClown fish in anemone
PhilippinesGreen turtle in Visayas
PhilippinesFeeding green turtle
PhilippinesBrown pelicans in Baja
MexicoSea lions in Baja
MexicoGrey whale tail slap
MexicoGray whale cow and calf
MexicoWhalecamp at night
MexicoGray whale calf resting
MexicoTufted puffins pair
CanadaCurious harbour seal
CanadaSea lion colony
CanadaBald eagle
CanadaBreaching killer whale
CanadaGray whale up close
CanadaSharking gray whale
CanadaGray whale Spyhop
CanadaFluking humpback whales
CanadaFluking gray whale
CanadaGray whale off Flores Island
CanadaKiller whale up close
SpainPilot whale spyhop
SpainKiller whale pod
SpainCommon dolphin
SpainContact us
37 rue du Nord L-4260 Esch/Alzette

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