Annual General Meeting 2024
Dear friends and members,
Even though we kept quiet over the past months, we have been very busy working on new projects. During the meeting, we will take the opportunity to look back on our achievements of the past year and to plan our future projects. Due to the new law for associations, we will need to adapt our statutes. The meeting will be an opportunity to hear about Odyssea’s projects in marine conservation and outreach. These projects would not have been possible without the support from our members and sponsors, THANK YOU!
Membership fees play an integral part in financing Odyssea’s outreach and research activities and we thank our members for their continued support and passion for marine conservation. Membership can be obtained by transferring 20€ to:
Odyssea asbl
LU91 0019 4955 3393 4000
Evening Programme:
1. Welcome Speech by President Anna Schleimer
2. Activity Report from the past year
3. Financial Report 2023
4. Adaptation of statutes
5. Election of Committee
6. Programme 2024/2025
7. Open Discussion
Please get in touch (info@odyssea.lu) if you are interested in joining our committee or if you have questions that you would like to discuss.
If you are unable to join us in person, please let us know as there might be a possibility to join online as well.
The Odyssea Team